Celebrating the New and Upcoming Irish Artists

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Date Posted:

June 8, 2023

Time Posted:

4:02 pm

Celebrating the New and Upcoming Irish Artists: The Oriel Gallery’s Unwavering Commitment to Irish Art

The Oriel Gallery, a haven for Irish art located in the heart of Dublin, has always been more than just an art gallery. As an eminent player in the Irish art world, the Oriel Gallery has a long-standing tradition of discovering, encouraging, and promoting new and upcoming Irish artists. As we celebrate the launch of our new website, we take a moment to reflect on this commitment and look forward to the exciting journey ahead.

Our mission at the Oriel Gallery has always been twofold: to celebrate the rich tapestry of Irish art from the 19th to the 21st century and to support the next generation of Irish artists. While we proudly specialize in Irish paintings, watercolours, and sculpture, we are also committed to fostering new talent and helping them find their voice in the art world.

The first step in our journey with an artist is discovery. Our team is always on the lookout for high-quality works by promising Irish artists. We do not confine ourselves to any particular school or style but instead search for works that communicate the unique perspectives and experiences of their creators.

Encouraging artists is the next step. We believe that art is not just an investment; it’s an opportunity for calm and reflection, an escape from the everyday. Therefore, we provide advice on the purchasing and resale of works of art, acting as a guiding hand for artists navigating the often complex art market. Through our consultancy services, we also provide valuations for insurance, wills, and probate, ensuring artists are equipped with the knowledge they need to protect and value their work.

Promoting artists is the final step in our journey with them. Our regular exhibitions provide a platform for both established and emerging Irish artists to showcase their work. For instance, our recent May exhibition featured paintings by Liam O’Neill, Alan Somers, Anthony Murphy, and Victor Richardson, and exciting new artists to the gallery, David Coyne and Ed Williamson.

We understand that every artist’s journey is unique and requires personalized support and advice. That’s why we encourage artists to reach out to us, to let us know how we can help them. Whether it’s advice on selling privately with us or simply a chat about their artwork, we are always here to support them.

As we embark on this new chapter with our revamped website, we reaffirm our commitment to Irish art and artists. We look forward to continuing our tradition of discovery, encouragement, and promotion, creating a platform where the voices of new and upcoming Irish artists can be heard and appreciated.

Join us as we celebrate the rich diversity of Irish art and look forward to the exciting new talent that is yet to emerge. Here’s to the future of Irish art and the artists who will shape it.

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